Architectural Application Request Process
Remodel – Additions Submission Guidelines
Although the rights of private ownership are respected as legally required, property ownership at SVM requires cooperation with the concept of community and compliance with the governing documents and By-Laws established by the Board. The Spring Valley Manor Property Owner Association’s (Association) governing documents require the Board’s approval before a Spring Valley Manor (SVM) Member may make a physical improvement or modification to the original footprint of a SVM Member’s property. The Board has adopted this Architectural Application and Approval Process for SVM Members to utilize as listed below.
Architectural Submission Process:
- Review all relevant SVM documents to make sure your desired changes fit within the guidelines of the community.
- Print and complete Architectural Application & Process form.
- Submit completed form via email to or in person or via email to the Board President.
- Please include all relevant information including where the proposed changes will be located in relation to your home’s footprint and the various city setback lines, a list of materials, the identity and contact information for your contractor(s), and any relevant samples or pictures you can include. Remember the more information you include, the more likely it will be approved by the committee.
- The final step is perhaps the most challenging…waiting. Once the committee has made a decision, a member of the Board will contact you. After you have received approval from the committee, happy building.
SVM Common Areas and/or Lakes
Collective Association property is owned and managed by the Association as a whole and does not extend private ownership rights to individual POA Members. The Board’s approval is required before making any physical change to the Association’s Common Areas, Lakes or Pond. No built, crafted or purchased structures shall be constructed or placed in or on Lake No. 1, Lake No. 2, Lake No. 3, former sewer Pond or Common Areas partially or entirely without prior written approval of the Board. Requests and approvals must adhere to the Rules outlined in SVM Association Rules of Conduct and Safety, Section II; Structures – SVM Common Areas, Lakes and Pond. As it is impossible to address all types of possible built structures, the Board re- serves the right to deny any request it deems a safety hazard, public nuisance or liability to other POA Members and/or the Association as a whole.
Submission Process:
- POA Member must submit request in writing to Board in its entirety via a completed Architectural Application outlining specifics of structure.
- The Board will give written notice of approval or disapproval of the POA Member’s Architectural Application within thirty (30) days after POA Member’s written submission.
- Board has the right to consult SID #7 on all submissions.
- The Board has thirty (30) days after submission of any requests described above to approval or disapprove such requests.
- The Board must adhere to SVM’s Rules of Conduct and Safety and SVM’s Bill of Assurance for said lot.