What is the Spring Valley Manor Property Owners Association?
The Spring Valley Manor Property Owners Association (Association) was incorporated on September 14, 1972, for the main purpose of promoting the general welfare and living conditions of the Association. Originally the Association was responsible for maintaining the lakes and other Association Common Areas, however, those duties were subsequently assigned to the Suburban Improvement District (SID) #7. The Association is comprised of individuals who own property within the Spring Valley Manor subdivision. When you buy a property within Spring Valley Manor subdivision, you automatically become a member of the Association. The purchase of property within SVM requires you to follow Association rules and regulations as outlined in their Articles of Incorporation, Bill of Assurances, By-Laws and Rules of Conduct & Safety.
What is the Spring Valley Manor Property Owners Association Board of Directors?
The Association is governed by their Board of Directors. Association Members are elected to serve on Board according to rules outlines in the Association’s By-Laws. The main purpose of the Board is to promote the general welfare of the Association by upholding its rules and regulations.
Spring Valley Manor Property Owners Association Board of Directors (POA Board)
Current Board Members & Street They Represent:
- Secluded: Jena McDonnell (President)
- Cooper Orbit: Sue Weinstein (Treasurer)
- Echo Point:
- Gorgeous View Trail/Spring Pointe Circle: Stacy Harter
- Gorgeous View Trail/Spring Pointe Circle: Mary Johnson
- Manor: Steve Clements
- Vista: Anita Spence (Past President)
- Vista: Jane Mages (Secretary)
- Vista: Ross Phillips
SVM POA Mailing Address:
Spring Valley Manor POA
c/o Jena McDonnell
114 Secluded Circle
Little Rock, AR 72210